How your judging people is killing your relationships and team’s success

Orci, cursus a ultrices metus amet sed dictumst a elementum.

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Jimmy Deluccia
October 4, 2021

But what is judgement and how can you create a life free of it?

Judgement — simply is fear of other people’s opinion of us for our thoughts and actions.


  • Fear to speak up in meetings for asking “dumb questions”
  • Fear to share how you REALLY feel with your spouse
  • Fear to engage with the business team (imposter syndrome)
  • Failing to create / write / speak in public .. again imposter syndrome
  • Fear to air guitar, karaoke in the kitchen, or dance with your wife .. because well .. you aren’t a professional

You get it — judgement slows, impedes, hides, and erodes the good moments and momentum in your life. Now what do we do?

Shedding Judgement is in your own hands

Judgement is your mental manifestation of what MIGHT other people think, feel, say, or do as a result of our actions. There is truth to these thoughts. People will have thoughts and reactions — but does that change who you are inside? NO.

People may react poorly, but they may also EMBRACE and love your idea. They may love who you really are. They might!

When you recognize that to NOT act on your thoughts, dreams, and authentic self is to live a LIE. You were not born to pretend to be someone else. You were born and have experienced the harships and good moments to be WHO you are today. To embrace your true self — speak honestly. Share your careful thoughts. Take initiative where you see you can help. Tell that boy / girl what is sincerely in your heart.

See how much better you feel after that moment, and use that to support your growth.

Hiding what you really want and are inside only leads to regret. Something I have shared deeply on, and is the #1 disappointment of those on their last days on Earth. Regret of what they didn’t do, say, or try. You see — Judgement from others is what created that regret.

There are 2 sides to every moment and now that we’ve tackled our internal monologue, let’s address our support of judgement.

Tough love — you need to have empathy and not be the judger!

Are you judging another? Do you find yourself sniping, gossiping, and “making fun” of others for what they say and do? These are all acts of judgement and a habit you can easily change with awareness. You see, you are empowered because you know the real truth as the judge and jury.

You too aren’t perfect, you have flaws, and you have made the same mistakes that you are judging others for having…. is that who you really want to be in life? I think not, if you’ve made it this far, as it not only spreads hate.. it limits your own huge potential.

Massive upside to those who grow others

One thing you’ll find in business and in life. There are those who build people up, and there are those who cut them down. When you build up people you create a community, a family, a team, a business, a life full of positivity and impact.

Embrace this side of you — eliminate your judgement of others, and of yourself.