Overcoming resistance and controlling your destiny

Nisl dictum at nibh porttitor dictum semper.

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Jimmy Deluccia
October 4, 2021

There is a trap that many fall into, and it’s the one that keeps them from their dreams. It’s not lack of education. It’s not lack of resources. Instead the challenge is within the person who seeks to achieve their goals and dreams. There is something within us all that holds us back: resistance.  

Resistance, I define as “the fear of success and/or failure” so we simply do nothing or take too long to act on our dreams! To overcome this trap, we must first identify it in ourselves, then address it head on! Only then will you be able to control your own destiny and create your outcome as you desire!  

Identify Resistance in yourself (remember this isn’t about other people!)  

Why do we resist?

I believe there are three major reasons: fear of success; fear of failure; fear of judgment by others (cultural).

Now that we know what’s holding us back, we must consciously and actively find the courage within ourselves to push through!