How to be your best self

 Find out who you really are!

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Jimmy Deluccia
October 4, 2021

We all want to be our best selves, but what does that mean?

How can I be my best self today? What is this elusive thing called best self — and how do I get there?  

The truest answer I can give you is that your best self IS YOU; right now. The world beckons you to fit into someone else's mold, but I beg you — seek to understand who you are and build a life on it. Understand what makes you happy and chase the joy in each action of your day! You know yourself more than anyone else; everyone else's opinion is only their own.  

Yes, there are actions you need to take, to discover your best self. You must define what your values are and what you want out of life. These are perhaps the most important questions in life, yet so few actually ask them? How do I know my values and goals? What makes me happy and at peace with myself — and why will these make me a better person/business owner/employee/spouse/etc..  

By answering these questions we can start to build a world worth loving; one we each love and cherish! So let's get started!  

What makes me happy?

This is one of the most important questions you can ask yourself. It isn’t about happiness, but rather what makes you happy. We all have things that bring us joy, and without them life feels flat and boring. These are some of my values/things that make me happy:  

  • Read books on personal development
  • Paint with watercolors
  • Listen to classic rock music on vinyl records (vinyl rocks!)
  • Take naps on the beach in the afternoon sun
  • Create positive change in the world…and more!  

List them out for yourself, don’t be afraid to get creative! What are things that make YOU happy? What do I want out of life? To achieve this you need to define what your values are, your core beliefs. These all help to shape and create a world worth loving. Some of my values: Take care of the environment Value people over profit Create positive change in the world...and more!   List them out for yourself, don’t be afraid to get creative! What are things that matter most to YOU in life? These two questions will help guide you towards discovering who you really are and building a world worth loving. Spend time journaling about them, meditating on the answers, and talking to friends. If you have close friends, you can ask them what they think your values are. Or how they know if you are being your best self.  

These are just some of the key tools, but there are many more that will help you discover your best self.